Showing posts from December, 2021


Browser A web browser is a software program used to access WWW.  Browser takes data from remote servers, collects it and displays the webpage.  It is also called client software.  Following are the names of some web browsers -  Internet Explorer -  Microsof…

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Network Peripherals

Network Peripherals NIC -  Network interface card is like an expansion board, which is inserted into the computer to connect to a network.  Most NICs are designed to work with a specific network, protocol, and medium, although some NICs are also built to be u…

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Network A group of computers connected in the same way to share resources is called a network. Network requirement It distributes resources such as information or processors.  It provides communication of internal processes between users and processors. It pr…

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Basic internet terminology

Basic internet terminology

Basic Internet Terminology Intranet -  An intranet is an internal network limited to a specific boundary, such as a building, that uses Internet standards.  Although the intranet uses all the standards of the Internet, it is not always connected to the Intern…

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Internet Services

Services available on the internet File transfer protocol -  FTP is its abbreviation, FTP is used to transfer files between hosts, FTP is used to download files from any remote server, which is connected to the Internet, on your server. goes.  Many FTP sites…

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Definition of Internet From the social point of view -  Internet is a tool through which millions of people are establishing communication as well as exchanging their ideas and information.  These people communicate at the private level i.e. on one and one ba…

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Browser वेब ब्राउज़र एक सॉफ्टवेयर प्रोग्राम है, जो WWW को access करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। Browser दूरवर्ती servers से डाटा लेता है, उसे एकत्रित करता है तथा वेबपेज को प्रदर्शित करता है। इसे Client सॉफ्टवेयर भी कहते है।  कुछ Web Browser के नाम निम्नलिख…

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