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Keyboard |
The keyboard is connected to the CPU via the PS-2 port. Nowadays the keyboard is also being connected to the computer through the USB port. Wireless keyboards operate on radio waves without making physical contact with the system. And it is connected to the computer via bluetooth.
According to the function and condition, the keyboard can be divided into the following parts-
i) Typewriter Key :- It is arranged in the left middle part of the keyboard like an English typewriter. In this, all the letters of English (A to Z), numerals (0 to 9) and some special symbols remain. It is also called alphabet key and numeric key. They are used to enter alphanumeric data into the computer and in word processing programs. The main keyboard also has some Punctuation Keys.
ii) Function Keys: - These are the buttons marked from F1 to F12 at the top of the keyboard. Their function depends on the software being used. In fact, it is equivalent to a whole order. Which we need again and again. This saves time.
iii) Numeric Key-Pad :- The buttons located like calculator on the right side of the keyboard are called Numeric Key -pad. They are used to fill numerical data at a fast speed, from 0 to 9, decimal (.), addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (/) with numerical lock (Num). Lock) and Enter button. Note that the numbers from 0 to 9 are also buttons on the main keyboard and both have the same result.
Some buttons on the numeric keypad perform two functions. These buttons are also used by the keyboard as an alternative to the mouse to move the cursor from one place to another. Hence they are also called cursor control buttons. They are also used to control computer games.
If the Num Lock button is on, the numeric keypad is used to type numbers. If Num Lock button is off then these buttons are used for arrow key and End, Home, Page up, Page down, Insert and Delete functions. To turn off Num Lock Button Numbers cannot be typed from Num Lock when Num Lock is on.
iv) Cursor Movement Key :- There are four buttons with arrows at the bottom of the keyboard. With which the cursor can be moved right, left, up, down. These are called Left, Right, Up and Down Arrow Keys. By pressing them once, the cursor moves one place left or right or one line up or down, it is also called Navigation Key.
Just above it there are four more buttons to control the cursor which are as follows -
a) Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. By pressing the home and ctrl buttons simultaneously, the cursor moves to the beginning of the current page or document. When you press the Home button while viewing a web page, the cursor reaches the beginning of that web page.
b) End - This button is used to move the cursor to the end of the line or page. Pressing the End and ctrl buttons simultaneously moves the cursor to the end of the current page or document. When you press the End button while viewing a web page, the cursor reaches the end of that web page.
c) Page Up - Moves the cursor to the previous page of the document.
d) Page Down - Moves the cursor to the next page of the document.
v) Modifier Key: - A button or group of buttons made on the computer keyboard, using which the work done by any other button is changed. Modifier button is called. The modifier button itself does not do any work but changes the function of other buttons. The modifier button is used along with any other button to edit a particular function. Shift, Alt (Alternate), CTRL (Control) and Windows Key are modifier buttons. Their use varies according to the computer software. For convenience, two buttons each of Shift, Alt, CTRL and Windows Key are made on the keyboard. Which are located on both ends of the main keyboard.
vi) Special Purpose Key :- Some buttons of computer keyboard are made for a specific purpose. Which are called special purpose keys.
Some special purpose keys and their functions are as follows-
a) Num Lock Key :- It is used with numeric buttons. When Num Lock is turned on, a green light lights up on the top right of the keyboard and the numbers above the buttons on the numeric keypad are typed.
b) Caps Lock Key :- It is used to write in small letters (Small Letters/Lower Case) or capital letters (Upper Case) of the English alphabet. On pressing the caps lock button, a light flashes on the top right and the alphabet is written in capital letters by the respective buttons of the keyboard. On pressing the caps lock button a second time, the light goes out and small letters of the alphabet can be typed.
c) Shift Key :- It is also called Combination Key because it is used with any other button. If there are two symbols on a button, the above symbol is typed when that button is pressed along with the shift button. On pressing that button alone, the symbol written below is typed.
If the caps lock button is on, then small letters are typed on pressing the alphabet button along with the shift button. If the caps lock button is off, then capital letters are typed on pressing the alphabet button along with the shift button.
d) Tab Key :- It is used to move the cursor by jumping to a certain distance which is decided by the ruler. The tab key is also used to move from one field to another in a chart, table or Excel program. By this, any one of the options available in the dialog box can also be selected.
e) Return / Enter Key :- Enter key is used to execute the instructions given to the computer and to send the type data on the screen to the computer. It is also used to start a new paragraph or line in a word processing program. Sometimes, a special shape is provided to identify the enter button in the keyboard.
f) ESC- Escape Key: - This button is used to end the previous task or to exit the current program.
g) Back Space Key: - Using this, the character or space located on the right side of the cursor is used to erase one by one. It is used to correct mistakes while typing.
h) Delete Key: - It is used to delete the character or space located to the right of the cursor one by one. This shifts all the data after the cursor one place to the left. It can also delete selected words, lines, paragraphs, pages or files at once.
i) Print Screen Key :- It displays whatever is visible on the screen. It can be printed. The Print Screen button stores a photo of the computer screen to the clipboard. Which can later be pasted or edited in any other program.
j) Scroll Lock Key: - On pressing this button, the information coming on the computer screen stops at one place. The same button has to be pressed again to resume the notification.
k) Pause Key: - Its function is similar to the scroll lock button. On pressing any other button, the information starts coming again.
l) Insert Key :- It is used to overwrite the already stored data. Pressing any typing button by pressing the insert button erases the number or letter located immediately after the cursor and new text is typed in its place.
m) CTRL + ALT + DEL Key: - By pressing these three buttons simultaneously, the programs running in the computer are closed and the computer again reaches the starting state. This is often done when the computer hangs. i.e. doesn't follow the command of any other button. It is also called reset.
n) Sticky Key: - For the convenience of those users who feel uncomfortable in pressing two or more buttons simultaneously, sticky key is used for their convenience. In this, the user can keep active by pressing the Modifier Keys (Ctrl+Alt+Del) or Windows Key twice in a row, until the second button is pressed.
To turn on the Sticky Key feature, press the Shift button 5 times continuously. To turn it off, press both the Shift buttons simultaneously.
o) Space Bar :- This is the longest button located in the middle of the bottom row of the keyboard. Generally it is used to put space between letters and numbers while typing. It is made so long that it can be used with the thumb of either hand while typing with both hands. Along with the Modifier Key, it is also used for other tasks according to the software. It is also used as a main button in video games.